Self Regulation Bundle

Self Regulation Bundle SALE
Self Regulation Bundle SALE
Self Regulation Bundle SALE
Self Regulation Bundle SALE
Self Regulation Bundle SALE
Self Regulation Bundle SALE
Self Regulation Bundle
Self Regulation Bundle
Self Regulation Bundle
Self Regulation Bundle
Self Regulation Bundle
Self Regulation Bundle

Educational Busy Bags by Snapdragon


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First 10 customers to purchase the Self Regulation Bundle
will receive the Emotion Collection for free!
valued at $63.50

This bundle was created to help children learn how to check in with their feelings and understand what they can do to help get them into the GREEN zone.  The bundle also includes 30 affirmation cards for kids and 2 different breathing technique products.

The free gift is our very popular Emotion Collection.  This is a hands on activity product where children can use a variety of facial expressions to indicate how they are feeling or how someone else might be feeling.  Included is an emotion ring book, and conversation cards to help assist children in identifying what different emotions can look like and what a person could do when feeling them.

Note: The emotional Collection comes with either light or dark faces. Please use the drop down menu when purchasing to select which one you would like. If you need both there is a small extra charge to include both skin tones.

Should you have any questions please use the Contact Me page to send me an email. I will reply back within 24 business hours.