Budget Bundle

In todays digital world children have lost the value of money and understanding how budgeting works. With this Budget bundle your child will visually see how much money they have tucked away for Spending, Savings and Giving. So when your child earns or is gifted money they can now determine how much of their money will go into each category.
3 piggy Banks - keep track of how much money is in each category
Break it down chart - enter the total amount your child has to divide up into each category and break it down. Then they can add each total to the appropriate piggy bank.
I can earn money - Velcro on ways your child can earn money. This teaches them that money isn't free and they need to work for their money to buy the things they want.
Savings Progress Chart - Your child can place the velcro piece of what they are saving for (space below for specific name/item to be written). Write the total amount needed to save at the top and colour in the chart as your Savings piggy bank grows. You can use the line marks on the side to help break it down.
Ideal for Children ages 2 to 13 and older.