Kinder Popcorn Word Packs

Regular Value $24/each or buy all 4 for $85
4 Popcorn word matching binder pages with velcro (word to word matching). Last page has room to practice printing each word. Pack also includes word cards for reading practice.
Each Popcorn word pack contains 25 words.
Pack 1: I, at, is, me, like, to, it, am, see, my, you, look, the, said, we, on, come, and, a, this, in, here, up, go, can.
Pack 2: one, going, by, his, she, with, for, have, he, went, they, will, yes, run, was, big, where, not, out, no, of, down, from, are, little.
Pack 3: come, could, away, an, her, who, get, then, again, why, do, first, so, eat, what, saw, there, after, did, make, all, because, has, want, when.
Pack 4: into, be, your, him, had, but, just, if, that, or, been, about, some, now, off, know, made, those, their, our, over, them, would, very, only.
All of Snapdragon products are shipped ready to use. Each item is laminated, velcro is applied where needed and a dry erase marker is supplied for products that require one. Should you have any questions please use the Contact Me page to send me an email. I will reply back within 24 business hours.