Time Management

With time blindness a person might have difficulty prioritizing their time, measuring how much time a given task will take, or forget to plan in other aspects of a task (such as driving, scraping your car, etc.).
Looking at each activity individually this helps people with time blindness better plan out their day.
Just like adults, children feel more confident and secure when their daily activities are predictable and familiar. A consistent daily schedule and step-by-step routines give children a predictable day. Schedules and routines in the group care setting and at home help children: Feel in control of their environment.
How it works
1. Select the amount of time strips needed for the day. For example 7am-7pm you would select a total of 12 (1 for each hour). If you are doing this with a school aged child you would use the school strip and 6 other strips to allow for the 6 hours spent at school.
2. Fill out any of the blank ones for things such as doctor appointments or various activities happening that day.
3. Lay out the 3 coloured cards and begin placing down your activity sticks.
4. Look at what is left in your hand (typically the green ones) and decide which activities you would like to do for the time remaining.
Once you have laid out all your activity sticks. You can then write out your Daily Schedule. Begin with the Must do ones first, then the Important one and finally your Free time activities.
**If you have any questions on how this product works please contact us at info@snapdragonbusybags.com and we will be happy to answer all your questions.
Each item is laminated, velcro is applied where needed and a dry erase marker is supplied for products that require one.